Saturday, September 16, 2006

End of my placement at Green Bay

My placement at Green Bay seems to have completely flown by and it was my last day there yesterday. With a lot of hard work I managed to finish the re-design of the Green Bay website and it is now live at

Although aesthetically it does not look that different from the old site, technically it is now far easier to update and expand in the future. Their previous site had been built using HTML tables. Now all the design for the site is CSS-based making it easy to make changes and adhering to W3C accessibility guidelines. All the content for the commissions and news sections now comes from a MySQL database using PHP so it is easier to manage and update.

I also finished editing some promo clips of Green Bay programmes for the UK Indies Pavilion at Mipcom 2006 next month.

I've really enjoyed my time at Green Bay and will miss all the lovely people there but hope to stay in touch with them in the future.


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