Saturday, September 16, 2006

Geting Interactive at the BBC

I finished my work placement with the Interactive Team at the BBC in Cardiff last week. Both Jo Pearce (Senior Producer) and Claire Jones (Assistant Producer) have been fantastic; briefing me on their work, inviting me to meetings and giving me the chance to get involved in the research and development of new projects. Their work includes developing interactive applications for mobile, web and eTV (enhanced TV / red button) platforms.

Andy Davies kindly showed me round Flip Factory. It's video encoding software that allows you to set up 'watch folders' so that as soon as a new video is put into the folder, Flip Factory will automatically start encoding it for web/mobile devices. It seems to work really well and the encoding times are impressively quick.

I've also been in the edit suite, editing clips of adudicators at the BBC National Eisteddfod site and interviews with sports celebrities for the Raise Your Game site using Adobe Premiere Pro.

I've been offered some more work for the Raise Your Game site for the next two weeks which I'm really pleased about as I'll have the chance to get some more valuable experience with the New Media department.


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